Electronic Beats
Andy Vaz is in a Detroit mood: raw and deep analogue-sounding techno. "Your mix" of the title track bangs with a heavy bassdrum blended with a warm soundscape, leading into a flashy main theme: odd-sounding varying synth-keys. Surrounded by sharp claps and weird background glitches, the track becomes both warm and harsh. "My mix" instead is less stripped-down, more House and like a live mix full of variations, that turns into an anthem and smartly changes moods. Literally full of endings and new beginnings! "Two In One Solutions" is at first reminiscent of Robert Hood. More stripped-down with beating synth-keys that create an absorbing monotony. But the track suddenly releases warm and harmonic synth-lines and ends in such a liberating mood. The live character of this EP is obvious, due to many variations within the tracks. Andy Vaz renders homage to Detroit Techno without any clich & eacute;s and his rather manic sound somehow works out amazingly on the dancefloor!